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Dr Loh Ear Nose Throat Clinic Kota Damansara is a ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat) clinic servicing community in and around Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, and is a healthcare partner of Erufu Care Community Medical Support Network.
Established in 2021, this clinic is known for its affordable services that they provide in the Downtown Area of Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. This includes the clinic's listed signature treatments like Head and Neck Tumor Treatment, Fungal Ear Infection Treatment, Snoring Treatment for Children, Neck Swelling Treatment and Vertigo (Dizziness) Treatment and Test.
Dr Loh Ear Nose Throat Clinic Kota Damansara also provides amenities like disabled friendly, wheelchair accessible, waiting area/lounge and restaurant/cafeteria (in-house).
The clinic has on-street, underground/basement, indoor, open space parking available, and has Traffic Volume Changes Throughout the Day around the area of No. 2, Jalan PJU 5/1a,. You can also take the following public transport to the clinic: Transit (MRT) at Surian, 300m away
The clinic accepts Cash, Credit Card (Mastercard) and Credit Card (VISA) payments.
You can find the treatments and services list below. Fill up an enquiry message form to get personalised information regarding the particular treatment. The clinic personnel will respond to you the soonest possible, personally.
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Surfer's ear, also known as exostosis, is the condition where the ear canal becomes narrow due to the growth of a bone over time. This bone growth is caused by an exposure to cold water and cold air (common in surfing) and causes lumps and bulges in the ear canal, affecting hearing.A specialist doctor can conduct a surgical procedure to help you treat the exotosis and get rid of the bone growth.
There are 2 types of hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss:Conductive hearing loss: Caused by physical problems affecting the movement of sound waves through the ear, includingWax or foreign body in the ear canalMiddle-ear infections or injurySwollen ear canalSensorineural hearing loss: Caused by damage to the hair cells or nerves that sense the sound waves in the ear, includingProlonged exposure to loud noisesEar pressureHead traumaMedication effectsYou can get a hearing loss test if you experience any of these symptoms:Difficulty hearing in conversationsFrequently asking people to repeat themselves in conversationsListening to music or watching television with a higher voume than others doHearing better in one ear than the otherRinging or buzzing in earsSome tests and treatments for hearing loss are ventilation tubes, labyrinthectomy, ear microscopy, pure tone audiometry (PTA), and impedance audiometry (Tympanometry).
A tuning fork can be used to test your hearing ability to diagnose any possibility of hearing loss. During the test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed on your forehead while the doctor analyses your hearing reaction to the vibration.
Age-Related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) is the hearing loss that happens slowly with age as we grow older. It usually starts with the loss of hearing ability for high frequency sounds, and can worsen over time. It is one of the most common type of hearing loss and is usually treated with a hearing aid or other treatments.
A ruptured eardrum means that there is a hole or tear on the thin tissue surrounding your eardrum. This can lead to hearing loss or middle ear infections and injuries. Several different factors can cause a ruptured eardrum, like middle ear infection, ear pressure, loud sounds or blasts, foreign objects in your ear, or head trauma and injuries.If your eardrum rupture is unable to recover on its own, a surgical treatment may be needed. This can be a myringoplasty, a myringotomy, or a tympanoplasty. You should get your eardrum condition checked by the specialist doctor to get an advice on the best choice of treatment.
Ear pressure discomfort is also known as ear barotrauma, which is what you feel when your ears fail to equalize the pressure of your ears' inner space and that of the surrounding environment.Some symptoms of ear barotrauma includ ear blockages, ear pain, hearing loss, dizziness, ear ringing, and ear discharge.If youare diagnosed with ear barotrauma, the specialist doctor can help you with treatments like clearing the ear canal, treating any congestion or infections in the ear, or in some cases surgical procedures of the inner ear.
Swimmer's ear, also known as otitis externa, is the infection of the outer ear canal. This condition is usually caused by water remaining in the ear, creating a moist environment for bacterial infection, common among swimmers.Some symptoms of swimmer's ear include:redness of ear canalear dischargeear canal blockagehearing difficultiespain in ear canalSwimmer's ear can usually be treated with cleaning and antibacterial topicals if detected early.
Malignant otitis externa is the infection or damage on the bones of the ear canal, caused by bacterial infection in the inner ear. This condition is common in diabetic patients and people with a weakened immune system.Some symptoms for malignant otitis externa include:ear dischargeinner ear painhearing lossinner ear itchingfeverdifficulty swallowingfacial muscles weaknessTreatments for malignant otitis externa focus on curing the infection and getting rid of the bacteria. You can consult a specialist doctor to diagnose your condition.
Eardrum fluid is usually a case of Glue Ear. Glue Ear, or Otitis Media with Effusion, is the build-up of fluid at the middle ear section, due to causes like a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory infection. This can lead to hearing difficulties or ear pressure discomfort.Some treatments done for Glue Ear are ventilation tubes, Grommet insertion (Tympanostomy tube), and ear microscopy for checking.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is the condition where a viral infection to the facial nerve near the ears cause a facial paralysis and hearing loss.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After we have recovered from chicken pox, the virus remains dormant (or asleep) in our bodies. Years later, this virus may reactivate can cause conditions like shingles or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.The main symptoms of Ramsay Hunty Syndrome is facial paralysis and painful rash with fluid-filled blisters around the ear.Ramsay Hunt syndrome needs to be properly diagnosed for the right treatment, so do consult a specialist doctor to have your condition checked.
Perichondritis is an infection or inflammation of the connective tissue in our ear. This can be caused by an infection or a spread from an external inflammation. Treatments for this infection usually include antibiotics depending on how severe the infection is.
Are you having dizziness or vertigo? The main difference is that vertigo, other than just experiencing dizziness, gives you a feeling or illusion that either you feel as if you are moving even though you're not (subjective vertigo), or you feel that your surroundings are moving even though they're not (objective vertigo). Vertigo is usually caused by a problem in the ear, and can be tested and treated using several different procedures, including Canalith Repositioning Procedure (Epley Maneuver), Cawthorne-Cooksey (CC) Exercises, Dix-Hallpike Maneuver, Posterior Semicircular Canal Occlusion, Labyrinthectomy, Vestibular Rehabilitation, or Ear Microscopy.
Meniere Disease is an inner ear disorder that can lead to vertigo (dizziness), hearing loss, ear ringing (tinnitus), or ear pressure discomfort. Some treatments for Meniere Disease include Vestibular Nerve Section and Intratympanic Injection. You can get a diagnosis from the doctor to see if you require a treatment for Meniere Disease.
Ear infections can come in various forms, and the main sign that you may have an ear infection is if you feel pain in your ear. Ear infections can affect the outer ear, middle ear, or inner ear, with different conditions like ottitis media or otitis externa the culprits.The most important thing to do is to get your ear condition tested and diagnosed by a verified doctor, so that the suitable treatment can be carried out.Some common tests and treatments for ear infections are adenoidectomy, ventilation tubes, and ear microscopy.
Tinnitus is the condition where you constantly hear a ringing sound in your ear. This ringing sound can be in the form of ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking or hissing. It can also be a sign or symptom of some other underlying causes.Some tests and treatments for tinnitus include white noise machines, masking devices, tinnitus retraining, and clicking, humming, or ringing tests. You can get a test and diagnosis from the doctor to see what type of tinnitus and a suitable treatment for your condition.
Acoustic Neuroma is also known vestibular schwannoma. This is a non-cancerous slow-growing tumour that develops at the inner ear section. Acoustic neuroma can lead to difficulting balancing, hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or hearing difficulties.
Cholesteatoma is a non-cancerous skin growth that develops at the middle ear section, behind the eardrum.Cholesteatoma can be either a birth defect or caused by repeated middle ear infections. Treatments like cholesteatoma surgery, removal of mastoid (mastoidectomy) and atticotomy can be done to treat cholesteatoma.
Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection that affects the inner and middle ear, caused by infected or inflamed mastoid cells in our ear, or as a result of untreated middle ear infection (otitis media).In some cases, the mastoid in the ear needs to be removed, in which case a mastoid removal surgery (mastoidectomy) is done.
Otitis media is the infection and inflammation of the middle ear. This is a painful condition that can be acute or chronic, and causes redness, swelling, and a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum.Depending on the condition of the Otitis Media infection, treatments like Chronic Otitis Media Treatment, Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Treatment, Chronic Otitis Media Surgery, Ventilation Tubes, and Grommet Insertion may be done.You can get your ear tested and diagnosed by the doctor to know what treatmen to receive.
Glue Ear, or Otitis Media with Effusion, is the build-up of fluid at the middle ear section, due to causes like a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory infection. This can lead to hearing difficulties or ear pressure discomfort.Some treatments done for Glue Ear are ventilation tubes, Grommet insertion (Tympanostomy tube), and ear microscopy for checking.
A ruptured eardrum means that there is a hole or tear on the thin tissue surrounding your eardrum. This can lead to hearing loss or middle ear infections and injuries. Several different factors can cause a ruptured eardrum, like middle ear infection, ear pressure, loud sounds or blasts, foreign objects in your ear, or head trauma and injuries.If your eardrum rupture is unable to recover on its own, a surgical treatment may be needed. This can be a myringoplasty, a myringotomy, or a tympanoplasty. You should get your eardrum condition checked by the specialist doctor to get an advice on the best choice of treatment.
When you feel pain on your ear, whether it is your outer ear, middle ear or inner ear, there may be chances of injuries or infection.Ear pain can also be acute (sudden) or chronic (long term). In either case, you should always get your ear condition checked and diagnosed by the doctor so that the problem can be identified and treated effectively rather than worsen.
A fungal ear infection, also known as otomycosis, happens when there is a blockage of the ear canal caused by the presence of fungi or bacterial infection. Though usually able to be cured by medication, some conditions can be linked to other infections and should be checked and diagnosed accurately by a specialist doctor.
Fluid discharged from the ear is usually ear wax. However, if you find abnormal ear discharge such as dry crusted discharge, or white, bloody, or yello discharge, this can be a sign of infection or rupture in the inner ear.Treatments for ear discharge depends on the root cause of the problem. Do get your condition diagnosed accurately by a specialist doctor to get the right treatment.
Impacted earwax happens when your earwax causes a blockage in your ear and affects your hearing. Trying to remove the earwax by yourself may be counter-productive because you may push the wax deeper or injure your inner ear.Medical treatments like earwax softener medicine or earwax removal done by a trained doctor can help you solve this problem.
Ear injuries or traumas can be caused by different factors like accidents, a ruptured eardrum, or any injuries to your inner ear caused by infections.As we can't access to our ear canal and inner ear, we usually can't treat our ear injuries or traumas without the help of a specialist doctor. Depending on the type of injury, the doctor will diagnose and administer the most effective treatment for the recovery of the injury.
Otosclerosis, also known as otospongiosis is an abnormal growth of bone near the middle ear which can result in hearing loss if left untreated. Hearing aids can help solve hearing problems but in some cases, a surgical procedure to remove the bone growth may be needed.
Facial nerve palsy, or facial nerve paralysis, is when part of your face, usually unilaterally, shows weakness. This can include muscle weakness, loss of taste, decreased salivation,and decreased tear secretion.Some of the common causes of facial nerve palsy are: infection or inflammation of the facial nerve, head trauma, head or neck tumour, or stroke. Facial nerve palcy can happen gradually, or suddenly, depending on the cause.
Labyrinthitis is an ear infection that causes the the inner structure of the ear, called the labyrinth, to become inflamed. This can cause a loss of hearing or balance.Some of the symptoms of labyrinthitis include:dizzinessloss of hearingheadacheringing in the earear dischargeear painblurry visionViral infection can cause labyrinthitis. If you suspect that you could have a labyrinthitis infection, get a consultation with a specialist doctor to make sure your condition gets diagnosed and treated accurately.
Croup is a common breathing problem in young children, usually during cold weathers. The main symptoms for croup are harsh, barking coughs while having breathing difficulties, due to the swelling and narrowing in the voice box, windpipe, and breathing tubes leading to the lungs.Croup can be treated with nose drops or medications, but it is important to have a specialist doctor diagnose the condition correctly before administering any medications.
Breathing difficulties can stem from several different causes, including chronic sinusitis, allergies, or asthma. Treatments to solve breathing difficulties depend on the cause of the issue.Some symptoms of breathing difficulties include:Nasal congestionRunny noseItchy or watery eyeschest congestioncoughweezinglaboured breathingshallow breathingA precise diagnosis by a specialist doctor is important so that the right treatment can be administered.
A nose fracture, or a broken nose, is a crack on the bone or cartilage of your nose. This can be caused by accidents, physical sports, or injuries and traumas.Nose fractures can be treated by realigning the bone. In severe cases, surgery or rhinoplasty to reshape the bone may be needed.
Nose surgery, or rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure done to improve the shape, size or angle of a nose, to fit it into a more desirable proportion with the rest of your face. Sometimes, rhinoplasty is also done to correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and breathing problems. Rhinoplasty usually involves the sculpting of bone and cartilage on the nose. Bones and cartilage may be removed, or tissues may be added in, all to enhance the shape of your nose. In Asia, the common trend is to fix our nose into a longer shape, and to refine our nose tip. Rhinoplasty can be done to: -To make your nose smaller (nose reduction) -To make your nose larger (nose augmentation) -To change your nose shape -To change the angle between the nose and top lip -To correct structural problems with the nose that cause chronic congestion and breathing problems -To repair deformities from an injury -To repair a birth defect
Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a type of nose inflammation, as a result of overreaction by our immune system towards the allergens in the air like pollen or dust.Some symptoms of allergic rhinitis include runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, or swollen eyes.Treatments for allergic rhinitis usually include medications or allergic reliefs like nasal spray.
Nose allergy can be caused by our body's immune system's overreaction towards allergens in the air like dust or pollen. Symptoms of nose allergy include runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, red or watery eyes, or swollen eyes.A nose allergy test helps your doctor determine the allergen you are allergic to, so that suitable treatments can be planned.
There can be a few different factors that cause nasal obstruction, including a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, nasal polyps, or tumours.Treatments for severe nasal congestions usually involve surgery, to remove the obstruction in the nose.
A nose tumour is a growth in the nasal cavity, and may or may not be a symptom of cancer. Tumours of the nose should be screened immediately upon discovery to check for any cancer signs, so that suitable treatments can be carried out.Tumours are usually removed via surgical procedures.
Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses in our nose. This is caused by blocked sinuses leading to the growth of bacteria. Conditions that can lead to sinusitis are common cold/flu, allergic rhinitis, growth in the nose (nasal polyps), or a deviated septum.There are two types of sinusits:Acute sinusitis - temporary condition that lasts up to 4 weeksChronic sinusitis - lasts for several weeks or yearsLight sinusitis can be treated by nasal decongestants , but in some cases more advanced treatments for the bacteria may be needed.
A fiberoptic nasal endoscopy is a test using an endoscope to view and examine the inside of the nose. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a thin, long tube-like endoscope with a camera into your nasal passages to view the inside of your nose through a camera.Fiberoptic endoscopy is a quick, office-based procedure, and can be used to diagnose and evaluate any discomfort or conditions within the nose.
Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses in our nose. This is caused by blocked sinuses leading to the growth of bacteria. Conditions that can lead to sinusitis are common cold/flu, allergic rhinitis, growth in the nose (nasal polyps), or a deviated septum.There are two types of sinusits:Acute sinusitis - temporary condition that lasts up to 4 weeksChronic sinusitis - lasts for several weeks or yearsLight sinusitis can be treated by nasal decongestants , but in some cases more advanced treatments for the bacteria may be needed.In the case of a functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the doctor uses an endoscope to see the inside of your nose and sinuses, with a video camera attached on the endoscope. This is a minimally invasive surgery where the endoscopes are used to enlarge the nasal drainage pathways to improve the sinus ventilation.
There can be a few different factors that cause nasal obstruction, including a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, nasal polyps, or tumours.Treatments for severe nasal congestions usually involve surgery, to remove the obstruction in the nose.For light cases of nasal obstruction caused by mucus or allergic reactions, nasal sprays or medications may be administered.
Nasal sprays can be used to relieve stuffed or blocked nose as a result from a cold, a flu, or an allergic reaction.
Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses in our nose. This is caused by blocked sinuses leading to the growth of bacteria. Conditions that can lead to sinusitis are common cold/flu, allergic rhinitis, growth in the nose (nasal polyps), or a deviated septum.There are two types of sinusits:Acute sinusitis - temporary condition that lasts up to 4 weeksChronic sinusitis - lasts for several weeks or yearsLight sinusitis can be treated by nasal decongestants , but in some cases more advanced treatments for the bacteria may be needed.In the case of an endoscopic sinus surgery, the doctor uses an endoscope to see the inside of your nose and sinuses, with a video camera attached on the endoscope. This is a minimally invasive surgery where the endoscopes are used to enlarge the nasal drainage pathways to improve the sinus ventilation.
A nasal valve surgery is a surgical procedure done to correct, change, or fix the structure of the nasal valve. This can be a treatment for a nasal valve collapse, or can also be done for cosmetic purposes.This surgical procedure requires at least an overnight stay in the hospital/clinic after the surgery.
Nasal polyps or soft growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses that causes no pain. These are not tumours, but can be a result of inflammation due to asthma, infection, allergies, or immunity disorders.Some signs and symptoms of nasal polyps include:Runny nosePersistent Stuffy NosePostnasal DripDecreased or absence of sense of smellLoss of sense of tasteFacial pain or headacheUpper teeth painSnoringNasal polyps can be removed via surgery, usually done via endoscopic surgery to remove the polyps within. During this surgical procedure that is also known as polypectomy, the doctor will insert a small tube with a tiny camera into your nostrils and remove the polyps using tiny instruments.
A perforated septum is when there is a hole in your nasal septum, the middle part of your nose between the two nostrils. Small perforations can be detected by whistling noises when breathing, but larger perforations may cause more severe symptoms like nose bleed, breathing difficulty, and nasal pressure discomfort.
A nasal septum deviation is the displacement of the nasal septum, the middle part of the nose. This can be caused by nasal congestion, with one side of the nose being more congested than the other, causing difficulty or unbalanced breathing through the nose. A deviated septum requires a surgery to correct the septum into a central position. Also known as septoplasty, this procedure straightens the septum, allowing for better airflow through the nose.
A fiberoptic nasal endoscopy is a test using an endoscope to view and examine the inside of the nose. During the procedure, the doctor inserts a thin, long tube-like endoscope with a camera into your nasal passages to view the inside of your nose through a camera.Fiberoptic endoscopy is a quick, office-based procedure, and can be used to diagnose and evaluate any discomfort or conditions within the nose.
Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses in our nose. This is caused by blocked sinuses leading to the growth of bacteria. Conditions that can lead to sinusitis are common cold/flu, allergic rhinitis, growth in the nose (nasal polyps), or a deviated septum.There are two types of sinusits:Acute sinusitis - temporary condition that lasts up to 4 weeksChronic sinusitis - lasts for several weeks or yearsLight sinusitis can be treated by nasal decongestants , but in some cases more advanced treatments for the bacteria may be needed.In the case of a functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the doctor uses an endoscope to see the inside of your nose and sinuses, with a video camera attached on the endoscope. This is a minimally invasive surgery where the endoscopes are used to enlarge the nasal drainage pathways to improve the sinus ventilation.
Anosmia is the loss of the ability to smell, usually caused by nasal congestion due to a cold, allergy, sinus infection, or poor air quality.Sometimes, the loss of smell can also be a symptom of more serious conditions, like nasal polyps (small noncancerous growths in the nose) or injury to the inside of the nose.Depending on the cause, anosmia can be treated and the sense of smell can return if the cause of the condition is treated successfully.
Nose bleeds, or also known as epistaxis, can be caused by various factors, including, irritation, internal fractures, or infection. While nosebleeds that happen once in a blue moon usually don't cause any health concerns, chronic nose bleeds that happen frequently can be a sign of serious problems in the nose like fractures or internal deformation and infection.If you have nosebleeds frequently, you can get your condition checked by a specialist doctor to have an accurate diagnosis and treatment,
Nose pressure discomfort, also known as sinus barotrauma, is an inflammation in the inner nose on the sinus caused by the difference in air pressure inside an outside the nose.You may feel pressure or pain in the forehead or around the teeth, cheeks, or eyes, or also bleeding into the sinus when you have sinus barotrauma.Nose pressure discomfort can usually be treated with nasal congestions or medications, according to your specialist doctor's diagnosis.
A peritonsillar abscess, or also commonly known with its simple name Quinsy, is a collection of pus fromed in the tissues of the throat next to one of the tonsils.This abscess can cause pain, swelling, and in some cases can block the throat, causing difficulties in swallowing, speaking, and breathing.Quinsy often happens as a complication of tonsillitis, a throat infection, and is caused by a bacterial infection.The treatment will be based on draining the abscess to remove it, or in severe cases, a small incision to remove the abscess. Medications are also administered for the bacterial infection.
A retropharyngeal abscess is the collection of pus at the back of the throat, caused by a bacterial infection. The symptoms for a retropharyngeal abscess are swallowing difficulties, having a stiff neck, and noisy breathing.Since it is a bacterial infection, retropharyngeal abscess can usually be treated with antibiotics.
A common cold can be caused by viral infection or bacterial infection. It is important to diagnose the cause of the cold accurately before any treatment so that the treatment can be done safely and effectively.
Laryngitis is the inflammation of the voice box or vocal cords due to overuse, irritation, or infection. There are two types of laryngitis: acute/short term (less than 3 weeks), or chronic/long term (more than 3 weeks).Some of the symptoms of laryngitis are:Weak voice or voice losstickling sensation and a raw feeling at your throatdry throatdry coughLaryngitis can usually be treated with medications to treat the infection and reduce the inflammation. For chronic laryngitis, the root cause of the condition must be diagnosed to be treated accordingly.
Tonsillitis is an infection in the throat, causing inflammation usually due to viral infection or sometimes bacterial infection.Some of the symptoms of tonsillitis are:Red, swollen tonsilsWhite or yellow coating on the tonsils (back of the throat)painful sore throatpainful swallowingenlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the neckbad breathAn early diagnosis can help the doctor treat your condition effectively with medications, but in severe cases, surgery may be required.
Tonsillitis is an infection in the throat, causing inflammation usually due to viral infection or sometimes bacterial infection.Some of the symptoms of tonsillitis are:Red, swollen tonsilsWhite or yellow coating on the tonsils (back of the throat)painful sore throatpainful swallowingenlarged, tender glands (lymph nodes) in the neckbad breathAn early diagnosis can help the doctor treat your condition effectively with medications, but in severe cases, surgery may be required.The surgery to remove the tonsils, known as tonsillectomy, is used to treat recurring tonsillitis that doesn't respond to antibiotics. This procedure is usually done as an outpatient procedure, and recovery may take up to 2 weeks.
There are several types of speech disorders, and different types of speech disorders can be caused by different factors. A common speech disorder is cluttering, which is a speech and fluency disorder that causes a rapid rate of speech, making speech difficult to understand. This can be caused by the paralysis of speech muscles due to the damage to the nerves or may also be related to the brain.Treatment of speech disorders depend on the type and cause of the condition. To effectively treat the condition, a speech test can be done at a specialist clinic to find out the root cause so that it can be treated accordingly.
Swallowing difficulties is known as dysphagia medically. This can be the problem of swallowing certain foods or liquids, or sometimes not being able to swallow at all.Dysphagia can be caused by nerve or muscle degeneration involved in the movement of swallowing, and is usually treated with medications. If there is a tumour involved, surgery is required to remove the tumour.
Allergic coughs can be caused by allergen in the air. Sometimes, these coughs can come with symptoms like stuffy nose and sneezing, or in more severe cases, may cause breathing difficulties.The doctor can do a test to find out what are the allergens that are causing your coughs to help treat your condition.
Do you always experience heartburn specifically at night or in the morning? Acid reflux is also known as heartburn. It is a condition where a warm and burning sensation is felt typically in the regions below the throat all the way to the region below the chest bone. This happens when stomach acid rises to the throat or mouth and leave a sour or bitter aftertaste. Acid reflux can usually be treated with medications but needs to be treated early, or the frequent acid production may damage the throat.
Throat irritation can range from mild irritation to severe conditions underlying causing the uneasiness in the throat.An itchy or irritated throat is usually an immune system reaction to allergy triggers, unlesss if it is caused by an underlying condition.If you have had prolonged periods of throat irritation, you can get your condition checked by a specialist doctor to get the right treatment
The supraglottis is the upper part of the larynx, or your voice box. It is the area above the vocal cords. Tumours at the supraglottic area has chances to be cancel cells, and can affect the function of the larynx, including speech, swallowing, and breathing.Early detection of supraglottic tumours is important to effectively treat the condition and prevent further complications.
Vocal cord lesions are also known as vocal fold lesions. These are non-cancerous growths in the vocal cords, and can come in the form of nodules, polyps, or cysts.Lesions can cause voice harshness, and are usually a result of vocal overuse or vocal cord trauma and injury.Treatments for vocal cord lesions include voice rest, voice therapy, or a surgery to treat abnormalitis on the vocal cord.
Salivary gland stones, also known as salivary duct stones, are growth in the salivary gland or duct that can block the flow of saliva into the mouth. These growths are made up of calcium chemicals in the saliva accumulating, and can be caused by dehydration, poor eating habits, or side effects of some medications.Treatments for salivary gland stones are done to remove the stones. For small stones, they can be drained out by the doctor, but for big ones, surgical incisions may be needed.
Salivary gland tumours can be cancerous or non-cancerous. For non-cancerous (benign) ones, they appear as painless salivary mass and can be removed via excision or radiation.
Salivary gland tumours can be cancerous or non-cancerous. For non-cancerous (benign) ones, they appear as painless salivary mass and can be removed via excision or radiation.
A vocal cord polyps can occur on either one or both vocal cords. Tend to appeared to have more blood vessels and appear reddish in colour than nodules. Usually they can vary in size and shape and are usually larger than nodules and resemble blisters. Polyps can be caused by different forms of :trauma singing screamingcheerleadingexcessive talkingmuscle tension, like, smoking,alcohol use, sinusitis, allergies Can result in hoarseness, breathiness, multiple tones, loss of vocal range, vocal fatigue or loss of voice. Vocal cord polypectomy can be a true emergency if the polyp obstructs the airway and causes respiratory distress.
Epiglottitis is the inflammation of the piglottis, the flap at the base of the tongue. Epiglottitis is usually caused by bacterial infection.Some of the symptoms of epiglottitis are:swallowing problemsuncontrolled droolingvoice changeincreased breathing rateEpiglottitis can usually be treated with medications to reduce the inflammation and to get rid of the bacteria causing the condition.
Diphtheria is a killer disease caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. It affects the mucous membranes of our throat and nose by producing toxins that are poisonous for our body.Diphtheria is contagious and can be spread from one person to another through respiratory release like coughing or sneezing. A person can also be infected with Diphtheria upon contact with the bacteria.Some symptoms of Diphthera include: Thick grey-white coating at the back of the throat formed by tissues destroyed by bacteria toxinExtreme fatigue/weaknessSevere sore throatHigh fever (38C and above)Swollen glands on the neckDifficulty breathing/swallowingIn Malaysia, vaccines are available and should be taken by all children below the age of seven.When travelling, booster diphtheria vaccinations may also be required for places where the disease is more widespread. Do check with your doctor for further information on this!
Croup is a common breathing problem in young children, usually during cold weathers. The main symptoms for croup are harsh, barking coughs while having breathing difficulties, due to the swelling and narrowing in the voice box, windpipe, and breathing tubes leading to the lungs.Croup can be treated with nose drops or medications, but it is important to have a specialist doctor diagnose the condition correctly before administering any medications.
A vocal cord paralysis is the condition when there is disruption on the nerve impulses to your voice box, causing a paralysis of the vocal cords muscles. This affects your ability to speak or, in severe cases, your ability to breath.Symptoms of vocal cord paralysis include:breathy or airy voicehoarse or harsh voicenoisy breathingloss of vocal pitchchoking and coughing when swallowinginability to speak loudlyfrequent breaths while speakingloss of gag reflexVocal cord paralysis is usually caused by injuries, but can also be due to viral infections and neurological conditions.Mild vocal cord paralysis can be treated with voice therapy, but for more severe cases, surgical options may be needed based on the cause of the condition.
Functional dysphonia is the condition where one has a poor voice quality, affecting speech but with no obvoius disformities or health problems.The doctor will assess your vocal condition to find out which part that needs correction and carry out the suitable treatment.
Glandular fever is a viral infection that can get better without treatment, but may leave you ill for a period of time.Some of the symptoms of glandular fever are:high feversevere sore throatswollen glands on either side of your neckextreme tiredness or exhaustionYou don't usually get glandular fever more than once because after the first viral attack, your body builds and immunity to fight against the virus as you recover.
Singer's nodules is the common name for vocal cord lesions, non-cancerous growths in the vocal cords, and can come in the form of nodules, polyps, or cysts.Lesions can cause voice harshness, and are usually a result of vocal overuse or vocal cord trauma and injury.Treatments for vocal cord lesions include voice rest, voice therapy, or a surgery to treat abnormalitis on the vocal cord.
Vocal fold injections are done to correct any voice quality problems, like functional dysphonia, the condition where one has a poor voice quality, affecting speech but with no obvoius disformities or health problems.
Pharyngitis is one of the most common types of sore throats. It is the swelling at the back of the throat between the tonsils and the voice box.Pharyngitis can be caused by viral or bacterial infection, and can be treated with medications if the condition doesn't escalate to more severe complications.
Sjorgen's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease that affects the entire body and can occur at any age. Autoimmune disease are when the body produce abnormal amount of extra antibodies in the blood and the immune system mistakenly arracks your body's own cells and tissues. This syndrome caused patients to experience dry eyes, dry mouth, fatigue and joint pain. It can also cause dysfunction of organs such as kidneys, blood vessels, lungs and more.Symptoms:Main symptoms are:-Dry eyes, eyes might burn, itch or feel gritty as if there's sand in themDry mouth, difficulties to swallow or speakand others:-Joint pain, swelling and stiffnessSwollen Salivary GlandsSkin rashes or dry skin
Parotitis is the name given to inflammation and infection of the largest of the salivary glands known as the parotid glands. The inflammation of the salivary glands reduces their ability to function properly and thus lead to infections within the mouthSymptoms:Swelling of tissues (surrounding the saliva glands)Redness and sorenessCauses:InfectionDrugsRadiationVarious DiseasesObstruction of the salivary duct Poor oral hygiene
Hyperthroidsim is a condition of the thyroid and when the thyroid makes too much hormones (thyroxine) that control how the cells use energy. Thyroid problems are more common in women than men. Causes: -Graves' disease (autoimmune disorder) causes antibodies to stimulate the thyroid to secrete too much hormones. May experience: Bulging of your eyes Feling or pain/pressure in your eyes Redness or inflammation in or around your eyes Sensitivity to light Puffiness or retraction of the eyelids Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst is when a lump develops around the neck area. The lumps develop from cells and tissues that are remained after your thyroid leaves behind extra cells while its forming during your development in the womb.Symptoms:Presence of a lump in the middle of the front of your neckSpeaking with a hoarse voiceHaving trouble breathing or swallowingRedness, tender near the area of the cyst / lumpsMucus seep out of a small skin near the lump
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is the condition where a viral infection to the facial nerve near the ears cause a facial paralysis and hearing loss.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After we have recovered from chicken pox, the virus remains dormant (or asleep) in our bodies. Years later, this virus may reactivate can cause conditions like shingles or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.The main symptoms of Ramsay Hunty Syndrome is facial paralysis and painful rash with fluid-filled blisters around the ear.Ramsay Hunt syndrome needs to be properly diagnosed for the right treatment, so do consult a specialist doctor to have your condition checked.
A deformity is a change in the shape of a body part. A deformity is caused by unusual pressure on the baby in the womb or the baby's position late during the pregnancy. Facial deformity can affect sight, speech, breathing and your ability to swallow. Certain diseases also lead to facial disorders. For example, nerve diseases or Bell's palsy sometimes cause facial pain, spasms and trouble with eye or facial movement. Birth defects can also affect the face.
Bell's Palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis, when one side of the face muscle are paralyse or weak. The person may find it tough to control one side of their face muscles. The affected side of the face tends to droop. Bell's Palsy may also affect saliva, tear production and the sense of taste.Causes can be:Facial Nerve is inflamed (press against the cheekbone)Protective covering of the nerve is damagedSignals connecting muscles and the brain can't be transmitted properlyTreatment can be:Medications (Corticosteroids and Antiviral Drugs)Physical TherapySurgery
Neck Swelling also known as Swollen Lymph Nodes, and one of the main cause of this disease are when lymph nodes are inflamed (when the ears, sinus, or tonsils become infected). Treatment may need to depends on the cause:Bacteria InfectionImmune DisorderCancer
The most common type of cancer in the head and neck is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from the cells that line the inside of the nose, mouth and throat. People with history of smoking or exposure to the human papilloma virus (HPV) are most likely to associate with Squamous Cell cancer.Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancers: May include a lump or a sore A sore throat Oral Cavity : White or red patch on the gums, tongue, lining of the mouthPharynx : Trouble breathing or speaking, pain when swallowing, neck or throat, frequent headaches and etcLarynx: Pain when swallowing or ear painParanasal sinuses and nasal cavity : Sinuses that are blocked and do not clear, chronic sinus infections that do not respond to treatment with antibiotics and etc-Salivary glands: Swelling under the chin or around the jawbone, numbness or paralysis ofthe muscles in the face
Jenis kanker pada kepala dan leher yang paling umum adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa, yang muncul dari cel yang tersusun dalam hidung, mulut, dan tenggorokan. Orang yang merokok atau orang yang terekspos pada virus papiloma manusia (HPV) lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk mempunyai sel kanker skuamosa.Gejala Kanker Kepala dan Leher:Dapat termasuk benjolan atau sakitSakit tenggorokanRongga mulut: bercak putih atau merah pada gusi, lidah, atau mulutFaring: masalah bernafas atau berbicara, rasa sakit ketika menelan, leher atau tenggorokan, sering sakit kepala, dsb.Laring: Sakit ketika menelan atau sakit telingaRongga sinus dan rongga mulut: Rongga sinus yang terhambat dan tidak bersih, infeksi sinis kronis yang tidak bisa disembuhkan dengan pengobatan antibiotik, dsb.Kelenjar ludah: Pembengkakan dibawah dagu atau disekitar rahang, mati rasa atau kelumpuhan otot wajah.
Most common type of thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid cancer, and in particular, aggressive cancers.A total thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid and the thyroid tissue. This surgery is appropriate when nodules, swelling, or inflammation affect the entire thyroid gland, or when cancer is present.
A partial thyroidectommy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Because if a lump that grows on your thyroid, it can cause breathing problems.Why do you need thyroidectomy:Thyroid cancerNoncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)This operation, thyroid cancer must be small and non-aggressive and contained to one side of the gland.
Lymph nodes located in the neck. Responsible for fighting infection that are carried into the node through lymph fluid.Causes of swollen Cervical Lymph Nodes:Reaction to infection, injury or cancerBronchitis (Inflammation of the surface lining of the bronchial airways)Common coldEar infectionScalp infectionStrep throat (Bacterial infection that causes inflammation and pain in the throat)Tonsillitis (Two lymph nodes located on each side of the back of your throat that are infected)Symptoms:Prolonged tenderness and painContinual Swelling for more than a weekFeverWeight lossSymptoms that need immediate attention:Tuberculosis (highly infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs)Syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a type of bacteria)HIV (a virus that compromises the immune system)Lymphoma (can affect any portion of the lymphatic system)
Goiter refers to enlargement of the thyroid gland, a butterfly shaped organ draped around the front and sides of the windpipe (or trachea) in the lower part of the neck. Symptoms:Discomfort or cause breathing and swallowing difficultiesConstrict airways/ esophagus/ blood vesselsCauses:inefficient thyroid hormone production Inflammation of the thyroid glandThyroid Tumours
A partial thyroidectommy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Because if a lump that grows on your thyroid, it can cause breathing problems.Why do you need thyroidectomy:Thyroid cancerNoncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)This operation, thyroid cancer must be small and non-aggressive and contained to one side of the gland.
Most common type of thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid surgery and is often used for thyroid cancer, and in particular, aggressive cancers.A total thyroidectomy removes the entire thyroid and the thyroid tissue. This surgery is appropriate when nodules, swelling, or inflammation affect the entire thyroid gland, or when cancer is present.
Dermoid Cysts can develop anywhere in the body, but usually occur on the face, inside the skull, on the lower back and in the ovaries. It may contains structures such as hair, fluid or skin glands that can be found or in the skin. You may need to seek for medical help if a cyst becomes painful or inflamed, grows or changes colour, removal is desired for cosmetic reasons.Symptoms Dermoid Cysts:Small, often painless, lump in the mid-line of the neckSkin coloured or may have a slight yellow tinge
Folliculitis is a common skin condition of infected ingrown hair, it commonly appear on the face, scalp, chest, back, buttocks and legs.Causes of an infected ingrown hair:Too many dead skin cells on the surface of the skinShaving and waxing leads to creating sharper hair that tends to get trapped in the skin.If hair is naturally coarse or curlySymptoms of infecred ingrown hair:Start off as a red bumpPus and bump Area around infected ingrown hair may be red and irritated, swell, itch, feel warm to the touch
A test used to diagnose sleep disorders, it records brain waves, oxygen level in blood, heart rate, breathing, eye and leg movements. And it will help adjust treatment plan if sleep disorder has been diagnosed. Polysomnography monitors sleep stages and cycles.When should Polysomnography be Performed?Sleep ApneaPeriodic Limb Movement DisorderNarcolepsyREM Sleep Behavior DisorderUnusual Behaviors During SleepUnexplained Chronic Insomnia
Condition that affects the sleeping quality or ability to sleep well on a regular basis. It is a common conditions. People that suffering from this condition often have a difficult time falling asleep and may feel extremely tired throughout the day. Sometimes sleeping disorder can indicate another medical or mental health condition. Symptoms: Difficulty falling or staying asleep Daytime fatigue Strong urge to take naps during the day Anxiety or irritabilty Lack of concentration Causes: Allergies and Respiratory Problems Nocturia (Frequent urination) Chronic Pain Stress and Anxiety
BiPAP is a kind of treatment that is useful for children and adults who have airways that collapse whiile sleeping and are suffuring from difficulties in breathing, decreased air exchange in the lungs and muscle weakness that makes it difficult to breath. BiPAP may also used by people with respiratory failure, central sleep apnea and heart failure.BiPAP machines have two pressure settings and not like CPAP, CPAP only have singular pressure, and some patients fimnd it difficult to exhale against.
Obstructive sleep apnea is when breathing stops by itself for brief periods of time during sleep. Due to the narrowed airway space and the flow of air stops. The main characteristic of Obstructive sleep apnea is when snoring occurs due to the air flow needed to squeeze throught the narrowed airway space. Untreated Obstructive sleep apnea can lead to even more serious health problems such as:-HypertensionHeart DiseasestrokediabetesSymptoms:Poor sleep quality, lead to drowsiness and lack of clarity in the morningHeadachesGrumpinessForgetfulLeg swelling (if sleep apnea is severe)Worsening DepressionCauses: Over-weightSleeping on your back
Snoring Treatments will depends on whether if you have sleep apnea. If you do not have sleep apnea, the snoring treatment that will be offer by them will be :Behavioral Changes:Weight LossPositional Therapy (changing sleep position)Avoiding Alcohol, Muscle relaxants and certain medicationsTreatment:Oral Appliances (Mouth gyard or an orthodontic retainer)Surgery (reduce or eliminate the bulky tissue in your throat)
A kind of treatment that treats patients with sleep apnea or patients who have breathing problems during sleep, by providing mild air pressure to keep the airways open. It helps and make sure that the airways does not collapse.Reasons for CPAP:Keep your airway open while you sleepReduce or eliminate your snoring altogetherImprove your quality of sleepGet rid of daytime drowsiness or fatigueCircumvent or significantly reduce high blood pressure.
Development abnormalities which are present at conception or occur before the end of pregnancy.Causes:Genetic (inherited) Environmental (maternal) Unknown (not determined)
Snoring is a noise that occurs during sleep when the child is breathing in and there is some blockage of air passing through the back of the mouth. Children who are three years or older tend to snore during the deeper stages of sleep. Loud and regular nightly snoring is often abnormal in otherwise healthy children. Sometimes it is a sign of a respiratory infection, a stuffy nose or allergy; other times it may be a symptom of sleep apnea.Causes:there is an anatomical component, such as a small jaw or a small airway that the child was born withcommon reason is enlarged tonsils and adenoids.
Otolaryngology (ear, nose, and throat) emergencies are a common complaint in the emergency department. These can present as a result of infection, trauma, foreign bodies, or postprocedure complications. Emergency physicians (EPs) diagnose and treat a variety of ear, nose, and throat (ENT) disorders on a daily basis. Although the majority of these conditions are benign, there are several critical ENT disorders that must be immediately recognized and treated.ENT Emergencies:Nose bleed (Epistaxis)Nasal Foreign BodiesEar Foreign Bodies Malignant Otitis Externa (Diabetes with Ear Pain)Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (Hearing loss overnight/over hours)Epiglottitis (inflammation of the epiglottis-the flap at the base of the tongue that keeps food from going into the trachea (windpipe))
Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a benign tumor that tends to bleed and occurs in the nasopharynx (upper part of pharynx, the tube connecting to the lungs) of prepubertal and adolescent males. Common symptoms of JNA include nasal obstruction and severe or repeated nosebleeds. If the tumor grows large enough, it can cause:Change in facial appearanceComplete obstruction of both sides of the noseFacial pain or headachesVisual disturbance Over time, the tumor can invade the eye socket or cranial cavity, causing blindness or other significant neurologic problems.
Jenis kanker pada kepala dan leher yang paling umum adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa, yang muncul dari cel yang tersusun dalam hidung, mulut, dan tenggorokan. Orang yang merokok atau orang yang terekspos pada virus papiloma manusia (HPV) lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk mempunyai sel kanker skuamosa.Gejala Kanker Kepala dan Leher:Dapat termasuk benjolan atau sakitSakit tenggorokanRongga mulut: bercak putih atau merah pada gusi, lidah, atau mulutFaring: masalah bernafas atau berbicara, rasa sakit ketika menelan, leher atau tenggorokan, sering sakit kepala, dsb.Laring: Sakit ketika menelan atau sakit telingaRongga sinus dan rongga mulut: Rongga sinus yang terhambat dan tidak bersih, infeksi sinis kronis yang tidak bisa disembuhkan dengan pengobatan antibiotik, dsb.Kelenjar ludah: Pembengkakan dibawah dagu atau disekitar rahang, mati rasa atau kelumpuhan otot wajah.
Babies with tongue-tie, there’s a problem with something called the lingual frenulum. That’s the small stretch of tissue that connects the underside of your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. It might be too short and tight, or attached way up near the tip of the tongue.There are two types of Tongue Tie Release Treatment:- FrenotomyThe doctor examines the lingual frenulum and then uses sterile scissors to snip the frenulum free. The procedure is quick and discomfort is minimal since there are few nerve endings or blood vessels in the lingual frenulum.- FrenuloplastyIf additional repair is needed or the lingual frenulum is too thick for Frenotomy. A frenuloplasty is done under general anesthesia with surgical tools. After the frenulum is released, the wound is usually closed with sutures that absorb on their own as the tongue heals.
There are several types of speech disorders, and different types of speech disorders can be caused by different factors. A common speech disorder is cluttering, which is a speech and fluency disorder that causes a rapid rate of speech, making speech difficult to understand. This can be caused by the paralysis of speech muscles due to the damage to the nerves or may also be related to the brain.Treatment of speech disorders depend on the type and cause of the condition. To effectively treat the condition, a speech test can be done at a specialist clinic to find out the root cause so that it can be treated accordingly.
A common cold can be caused by viral infection or bacterial infection. It is important to diagnose the cause of the cold accurately before any treatment so that the treatment can be done safely and effectively.
Nose bleeds, or also known as epistaxis, can be caused by various factors, including, irritation, internal fractures, or infection. While nosebleeds that happen once in a blue moon usually don't cause any health concerns, chronic nose bleeds that happen frequently can be a sign of serious problems in the nose like fractures or internal deformation and infection.If you have nosebleeds frequently, you can get your condition checked by a specialist doctor to have an accurate diagnosis and treatment,
The Voice Box, also known as Laryn - It’s a tube about 2 inches (5cm) long in adults. It sits above the windpipe (trachea) in the neck and in front of the food pipe. Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the larynx. Use of tobacco products and drinking too much alcohol can affect the risk of laryngeal cancer. Symptoms: A sore throat or cough that does not go away. Trouble or pain when swallowing. Ear pain. A lump in the neck or throat. A change or hoarseness in the voice. Screening: A flexible endoscopy uses a tube with a light and a camera on the end. The doctor puts the tube up your nose and a short way down your throat. The tube has an eyepiece on the end. So the doctor can look inside your nose, at the back of your mouth and down your throat. The tube is very slim and having the test shouldn't hurt. Treatment: Surgery Radiotheraphy Chemotheraphy Chemoradiotherapy Biological therapy
The Voice Box, also known as Laryn - It’s a tube about 2 inches (5cm) long in adults. It sits above the windpipe (trachea) in the neck and in front of the food pipe. Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the larynx. Use of tobacco products and drinking too much alcohol can affect the risk of laryngeal cancer.Symptoms:A sore throat or cough that does not go away.Trouble or pain when swallowing.Ear pain.A lump in the neck or throat.A change or hoarseness in the voice.Screening:A flexible endoscopy uses a tube with a light and a camera on the end. The doctor puts the tube up your nose and a short way down your throat. The tube has an eyepiece on the end. So the doctor can look inside your nose, at the back of your mouth and down your throat. The tube is very slim and having the test shouldn't hurt. Treatment:Surgery RadiotheraphyChemotheraphyChemoradiotherapyBiological therapy
Tonsil cancer begins with cancerous cells or a tumor in the tonsils.Tonsils come in a pair located at the back of your throat in an area known as the oropharynx. Their role is to help fight infection. Cancer can develop in your tonsils. Tonsil cancer is classified as head and neck cancer, throat cancer, and oropharynx cancer.Tonsil cancer can develop even in people who’ve had their tonsils removed because a small piece of tonsil tissue may be left behind.Symptoms:One tonsils larger than otherPresistent Sore throatLump in the neckOther symptoms:-hoarseness or a change in your speaking voicefatigueunexplained weight lossear pain, especially on only one sidedifficulty swallowing or opening your mouthbleeding from your mouthDiagnosis/ Screening:The specialist may be able to exam your throat by looking into your mouth using a mirror and headlight. Or it may require placing a flexible tube with a camera down your nose, a test that’s called a flexible pharyngolaryngoscopy.
Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. Oral cancer, which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx (throat), can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated early.Causes:SmokingExcessive alcohol consumptionFamily cancer historyHuman papillomavirus (HPV)Symptoms:White or red patches inside the mouthSores on your tonguemouth ulcers or sores that do not healswelling that persists for over 3 weeksa lump or thickening of the skin or lining of the mouthpain when swallowingloose teeth with no apparent reasonTreatment:Treatment depends on the location and stage of the cancer, and the patient's general health and personal preferences. A combination of treatments may be necessary.SurgeryRadiation TherapyChemotheraphyTargeted drug Therapy
Your thyroid is shaped like a small butterfly, and is usually found inside the lower front of your neck. It’s a gland that controls your metabolism. It also releases hormones that direct many functions in your body, including how you use energy, how you produce heat, and how you consume oxygen. Thyroid cancer develops when cells change or mutate. The abnormal cells begin multiplying in your thyroid and, once there are enough of them, they form a tumor. Symptoms: Neck, throat pain Lump in your neck Difficulty swallowing Vocal changes, hoarseness Cough Diagnosis/Screening: Medical History and physical exam Biopsy Imaging tests Ultrasound Radioiodine scan
A partial thyroidectommy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Because if a lump that grows on your thyroid, it can cause breathing problems.Why do you need thyroidectomy:Thyroid cancerNoncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)This operation, thyroid cancer must be small and non-aggressive and contained to one side of the gland.
Thyroidectomy is the removal of all or part of your thyroid gland. Thyroidectomy is used to treat thyroid disorders, such as cancer, noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid (goiter) and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Risks: bleeding infection airway obstruction caused by bleeding permanent hoarse or weak voice due to nerve damage 3 main approach of Thyroidectomy: Conventional Thyroidectomy Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Robotic Thyroidectomy
Oropharyngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the oropharynx (inside the throat, directly behind the nose).Smoking or being infected with human papillomavirus can increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer.Symptoms:Painless swelling or lump in the throatSore throat or tongueEaracheDifficulty swallowing or moving your mouth and jawChanges in your voice Bad BreathUnexplained weight lossDiagnosis/Screening:Physical exam and HistoryPET-CT ScanCT Scan (CAT Scan)PET Scan (positron emission tomography scan)BiopsyEndoscopyLaryngoscopyHPV TestTreatment:SurgeryRadiotherapyChemotherapyTargetted Therapies
Salivary gland cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that involves abnormal (malignant) growth of salivary gland cells. This is when abnormal cells in these glands grow out of control. Normal salivary glands are made of many different types of cells. Tumors can grow in any of them.Symptoms:A lump on the face, neck, or mouth that is usually painlessNumbness in the faceInability to move some facial muscles, especially if the muscle on 1 side of the face stops moving and the affected area slowly expands. This is known as progressive facial muscle paralysis.Pain or swelling in the face, chin, jawbone area, or neckA difference between the size and/or shape of the left and right sides of the face or neckDiagnosis/Screening:Physical exam and historyMRI (magnetic resonance imaging)CT scan (CAT scan)PET scan (positron emission tomography scan)EndoscopyBiopsyTreatment:Surgery (most common)RadiationChemotheraphy
Tongue cancer is a type of mouth cancer, or oral cancer, that usually develops in the squamous cells on the surface of the tongue. It can cause tumors or lesions. The most noticeable signs of tongue cancer are a sore on the tongue that does not heal and a painful tongue.Cancer can develop in two different areas of the tongue. Tongue cancer develops at the front of the tongue, while cancer at the back of the tongue is known as oropharyngeal cancer.Symptoms:red and white patches (oral leukoplakia) that appear on the lining of the mouth or the tonguesores and mouth ulcers that will not heala sore throat or pain when swallowinga feeling that there is something lodged in the throata painful tonguea hoarse voicedifficulty moving the jaw or tongueneck or ear painloose teethswelling in the area that remains for more than three 3 weeksa lump in the mouththickening of the lining of the mouthdentures that no longer fit correctly
Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. The most common type of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. This type of cancer forms in the squamous cells (thin, flat cells) lining the inside of the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity.Symptoms:Blocked sinuses that do not clear, or sinus pressure.Headaches or pain in the sinus areas.A runny nose.Nosebleeds.A lump or sore inside the nose that does not heal.A lump on the face or roof of the mouth.Numbness or tingling in the face.Swelling or other trouble with the eyes, such as double vision or the eyes pointing in different directions.Pain in the upper teeth, loose teeth, or dentures that no longer fit well.Pain or pressure in the ear.
Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rare type of head and neck cancer. It starts in the upper part of your throat, behind the nose. This area is called the nasopharynx.The risk to get Nasopharyngeal Cancer:Tobacco and alcoholEat diet rich in salt-cured fish and meatSymptoms:A lump in the nose or neck.A sore throat.Trouble breathing or speaking.Nosebleeds.Trouble hearing.Pain or ringing in the ear.HeadachesScreening and Diagnosis:Physical exam and HistoryNeurological ExamBiopsy - Nasoscopy, Upper EndoscopyMRI (magnetic resonance imaging)CT ScanPET Scan (positron emission tomography scan)Blood Chemistry StudyComplete Blood Count (CBC)Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) test Hearing test
People who are routinely exposed to Tobacco and Alcohol should have a general physical examination at least once a year, even if they do not have any symptoms. It's a simple, quick office visit in which the doctor looks in the nose, mouth, and throat for abnormalities and feels for lumps in the neck.Symptoms:Nasal obstruction or persistent nasal congestion and stuffiness, which is often called sinus congestion Chronic sinus infections that do not go away with antibiotic treatmentFrequent headaches or pain in the sinus regionPain or swelling in the face, eyes, or earsPersistent tearing of the eyesand moreDiagnosis:Physical testBiopsyEndoscopyX-rayComputed tomography (CT or CAT) scanMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Bone scanPositron emission tomography (PET) or PET-CT scan
The term “head and neck cancer” encompasses a wide range of tumors that occur in several areas of the head and neck region, including the nasal passages, sinuses, mouth, throat, larynx (voice box), swallowing passages, salivary glands, and the thyroid gland. The most common type of cancer in the head and neck is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from the cells that line the inside of the nose, mouth and throat. Common Causes: Exposure to tobacco Exposure to alcohol Types of treatment: Radiation Theraphy Surgery Chemotheraphy
Head and Neck screening are suitable for people who routinely drink alcohol, currently use tobacco products, or have used tobacco products in the past should receive general health screening examination at least once a year. This is a simple, quick procedure in which the doctor looks in the nose, mouth, and throat for abnormalities and feels for lumps in the neck.Types of Diagnosis/Screening Test:Physical examination/blood and urine testEndoscopyx,BiopsyMolecular testing of the tumor X-ray/Barium SwallowPanoramic RadiographUltrasoundComputed Tomography (CT or CAT) scanMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Bone ScanPositron emission tomography (PET) or (PET-CT Scan)
Ear / hearing screening is a test to tell if people might have hearing loss. Hearing screening is easy and not painful. In fact, babies are often asleep while being screened. It takes a very short time - usually only a few minutes.Types of hearing screeening test:Pure-Tone TestingSpeech TestingTests of the Middle EarAuditory Brainstem Response (ABR)Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)
Otolaryngology or ENT (ear, nose, and throat) is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck. Symptoms:difficulty in hearing, discharge in ear, congenital hearing loss.nasal allergy, nose block, discharge from nose, sinusitisthroat pain, enlarged tonsilsthyroid enlargementhoarseness of voiceswallowing problemsbalance problemssalivary gland problems.
The term “head and neck cancer” encompasses a wide range of tumors that occur in several areas of the head and neck region, including the nasal passages, sinuses, mouth, throat, larynx (voice box), swallowing passages, salivary glands, and the thyroid gland. The most common type of cancer in the head and neck is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from the cells that line the inside of the nose, mouth and throat. Common Causes:Exposure to tobaccoExposure to alcoholTypes of treatment:Radiation TheraphySurgeryChemotheraphy
The term “head and neck cancer” encompasses a wide range of tumors that occur in several areas of the head and neck region, including the nasal passages, sinuses, mouth, throat, larynx (voice box), swallowing passages, salivary glands, and the thyroid gland. The most common type of cancer in the head and neck is squamous cell carcinoma, which arises from the cells that line the inside of the nose, mouth and throat. Common Causes: Exposure to tobacco Exposure to alcohol Types of treatment: Radiation Theraphy Surgery Chemotheraphy
People who are routinely exposed to Tobacco and Alcohol should have a general physical examination at least once a year, even if they do not have any symptoms. It's a simple, quick office visit in which the doctor looks in the nose, mouth, and throat for abnormalities and feels for lumps in the neck.Symptoms:Nasal obstruction or persistent nasal congestion and stuffiness, which is often called sinus congestion Chronic sinus infections that do not go away with antibiotic treatmentFrequent headaches or pain in the sinus regionPain or swelling in the face, eyes, or earsPersistent tearing of the eyesand moreDiagnosis:Physical testBiopsyEndoscopyX-rayComputed tomography (CT or CAT) scanMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Bone scanPositron emission tomography (PET) or PET-CT scan
Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rare type of head and neck cancer. It starts in the upper part of your throat, behind the nose. This area is called the nasopharynx.The risk to get Nasopharyngeal Cancer:Tobacco and alcoholEat diet rich in salt-cured fish and meatSymptoms:A lump in the nose or neck.A sore throat.Trouble breathing or speaking.Nosebleeds.Trouble hearing.Pain or ringing in the ear.HeadachesScreening and Diagnosis:Physical exam and HistoryNeurological ExamBiopsy - Nasoscopy, Upper EndoscopyMRI (magnetic resonance imaging)CT ScanPET Scan (positron emission tomography scan)Blood Chemistry StudyComplete Blood Count (CBC)Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) test Hearing test
Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. The most common type of paranasal sinus and nasal cavity cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. This type of cancer forms in the squamous cells (thin, flat cells) lining the inside of the paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity.Symptoms:Blocked sinuses that do not clear, or sinus pressure.Headaches or pain in the sinus areas.A runny nose.Nosebleeds.A lump or sore inside the nose that does not heal.A lump on the face or roof of the mouth.Numbness or tingling in the face.Swelling or other trouble with the eyes, such as double vision or the eyes pointing in different directions.Pain in the upper teeth, loose teeth, or dentures that no longer fit well.Pain or pressure in the ear.
Tongue cancer is a type of mouth cancer, or oral cancer, that usually develops in the squamous cells on the surface of the tongue. It can cause tumors or lesions. The most noticeable signs of tongue cancer are a sore on the tongue that does not heal and a painful tongue.Cancer can develop in two different areas of the tongue. Tongue cancer develops at the front of the tongue, while cancer at the back of the tongue is known as oropharyngeal cancer.Symptoms:red and white patches (oral leukoplakia) that appear on the lining of the mouth or the tonguesores and mouth ulcers that will not heala sore throat or pain when swallowinga feeling that there is something lodged in the throata painful tonguea hoarse voicedifficulty moving the jaw or tongueneck or ear painloose teethswelling in the area that remains for more than three 3 weeksa lump in the mouththickening of the lining of the mouthdentures that no longer fit correctly
Tonsil cancer begins with cancerous cells or a tumor in the tonsils.Tonsils come in a pair located at the back of your throat in an area known as the oropharynx. Their role is to help fight infection. Cancer can develop in your tonsils. Tonsil cancer is classified as head and neck cancer, throat cancer, and oropharynx cancer.Tonsil cancer can develop even in people who’ve had their tonsils removed because a small piece of tonsil tissue may be left behind.Symptoms:One tonsils larger than otherPresistent Sore throatLump in the neckOther symptoms:-hoarseness or a change in your speaking voicefatigueunexplained weight lossear pain, especially on only one sidedifficulty swallowing or opening your mouthbleeding from your mouthDiagnosis/ Screening:The specialist may be able to exam your throat by looking into your mouth using a mirror and headlight. Or it may require placing a flexible tube with a camera down your nose, a test that’s called a flexible pharyngolaryngoscopy.
The Voice Box, also known as Laryn - It’s a tube about 2 inches (5cm) long in adults. It sits above the windpipe (trachea) in the neck and in front of the food pipe. Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the larynx. Use of tobacco products and drinking too much alcohol can affect the risk of laryngeal cancer.Symptoms:A sore throat or cough that does not go away.Trouble or pain when swallowing.Ear pain.A lump in the neck or throat.A change or hoarseness in the voice.Screening:A flexible endoscopy uses a tube with a light and a camera on the end. The doctor puts the tube up your nose and a short way down your throat. The tube has an eyepiece on the end. So the doctor can look inside your nose, at the back of your mouth and down your throat. The tube is very slim and having the test shouldn't hurt. Treatment:Surgery RadiotheraphyChemotheraphyChemoradiotherapyBiological therapy
The Voice Box, also known as Laryn - It’s a tube about 2 inches (5cm) long in adults. It sits above the windpipe (trachea) in the neck and in front of the food pipe. Laryngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the larynx. Use of tobacco products and drinking too much alcohol can affect the risk of laryngeal cancer. Symptoms: A sore throat or cough that does not go away. Trouble or pain when swallowing. Ear pain. A lump in the neck or throat. A change or hoarseness in the voice. Screening: A flexible endoscopy uses a tube with a light and a camera on the end. The doctor puts the tube up your nose and a short way down your throat. The tube has an eyepiece on the end. So the doctor can look inside your nose, at the back of your mouth and down your throat. The tube is very slim and having the test shouldn't hurt. Treatment: Surgery Radiotheraphy Chemotheraphy Chemoradiotherapy Biological therapy
Oral cancer appears as a growth or sore in the mouth that does not go away. Oral cancer, which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, and pharynx (throat), can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treated early.Causes:SmokingExcessive alcohol consumptionFamily cancer historyHuman papillomavirus (HPV)Symptoms:White or red patches inside the mouthSores on your tonguemouth ulcers or sores that do not healswelling that persists for over 3 weeksa lump or thickening of the skin or lining of the mouthpain when swallowingloose teeth with no apparent reasonTreatment:Treatment depends on the location and stage of the cancer, and the patient's general health and personal preferences. A combination of treatments may be necessary.SurgeryRadiation TherapyChemotheraphyTargeted drug Therapy
Salivary gland cancer is a type of head and neck cancer that involves abnormal (malignant) growth of salivary gland cells. This is when abnormal cells in these glands grow out of control. Normal salivary glands are made of many different types of cells. Tumors can grow in any of them.Symptoms:A lump on the face, neck, or mouth that is usually painlessNumbness in the faceInability to move some facial muscles, especially if the muscle on 1 side of the face stops moving and the affected area slowly expands. This is known as progressive facial muscle paralysis.Pain or swelling in the face, chin, jawbone area, or neckA difference between the size and/or shape of the left and right sides of the face or neckDiagnosis/Screening:Physical exam and historyMRI (magnetic resonance imaging)CT scan (CAT scan)PET scan (positron emission tomography scan)EndoscopyBiopsyTreatment:Surgery (most common)RadiationChemotheraphy
Oropharyngeal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the oropharynx (inside the throat, directly behind the nose).Smoking or being infected with human papillomavirus can increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer.Symptoms:Painless swelling or lump in the throatSore throat or tongueEaracheDifficulty swallowing or moving your mouth and jawChanges in your voice Bad BreathUnexplained weight lossDiagnosis/Screening:Physical exam and HistoryPET-CT ScanCT Scan (CAT Scan)PET Scan (positron emission tomography scan)BiopsyEndoscopyLaryngoscopyHPV TestTreatment:SurgeryRadiotherapyChemotherapyTargetted Therapies
Your thyroid is shaped like a small butterfly, and is usually found inside the lower front of your neck. It’s a gland that controls your metabolism. It also releases hormones that direct many functions in your body, including how you use energy, how you produce heat, and how you consume oxygen. Thyroid cancer develops when cells change or mutate. The abnormal cells begin multiplying in your thyroid and, once there are enough of them, they form a tumor. Symptoms: Neck, throat pain Lump in your neck Difficulty swallowing Vocal changes, hoarseness Cough Diagnosis/Screening: Medical History and physical exam Biopsy Imaging tests Ultrasound Radioiodine scan
Note: The above procedures/treatments are a sample of treatments available at the clinic/hospital, all enquiries welcome. The provision of estimated prices aims to facilitate and enables patients to be better prepared financially before undergoing a medical procedure. Kindly note that actual bill size may vary in accordance to the patient’s medical condition and/or due to unforeseen complications that may arise during admission. Further, the healthcare provider reserves the right to revise its prices at its sole discretion and without prior notice.
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Surfer's ear, also known as exostosis, is the condition where the ear canal becomes narrow due to the growth of a bone over time. This bone growth is caused by an exposure to cold water and cold air (common in surfing) and causes lumps and bulges in the ear canal, affecting hearing.A specialist doctor can conduct a surgical procedure to help you treat the exotosis and get rid of the bone growth.
There are 2 types of hearing loss, conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss:Conductive hearing loss: Caused by physical problems affecting the movement of sound waves through the ear, includingWax or foreign body in the ear canalMiddle-ear infections or injurySwollen ear canalSensorineural hearing loss: Caused by damage to the hair cells or nerves that sense the sound waves in the ear, includingProlonged exposure to loud noisesEar pressureHead traumaMedication effectsYou can get a hearing loss test if you experience any of these symptoms:Difficulty hearing in conversationsFrequently asking people to repeat themselves in conversationsListening to music or watching television with a higher voume than others doHearing better in one ear than the otherRinging or buzzing in earsSome tests and treatments for hearing loss are ventilation tubes, labyrinthectomy, ear microscopy, pure tone audiometry (PTA), and impedance audiometry (Tympanometry).
A tuning fork can be used to test your hearing ability to diagnose any possibility of hearing loss. During the test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed on your forehead while the doctor analyses your hearing reaction to the vibration.
Age-Related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) is the hearing loss that happens slowly with age as we grow older. It usually starts with the loss of hearing ability for high frequency sounds, and can worsen over time. It is one of the most common type of hearing loss and is usually treated with a hearing aid or other treatments.
A ruptured eardrum means that there is a hole or tear on the thin tissue surrounding your eardrum. This can lead to hearing loss or middle ear infections and injuries. Several different factors can cause a ruptured eardrum, like middle ear infection, ear pressure, loud sounds or blasts, foreign objects in your ear, or head trauma and injuries.If your eardrum rupture is unable to recover on its own, a surgical treatment may be needed. This can be a myringoplasty, a myringotomy, or a tympanoplasty. You should get your eardrum condition checked by the specialist doctor to get an advice on the best choice of treatment.
Ear pressure discomfort is also known as ear barotrauma, which is what you feel when your ears fail to equalize the pressure of your ears' inner space and that of the surrounding environment.Some symptoms of ear barotrauma includ ear blockages, ear pain, hearing loss, dizziness, ear ringing, and ear discharge.If youare diagnosed with ear barotrauma, the specialist doctor can help you with treatments like clearing the ear canal, treating any congestion or infections in the ear, or in some cases surgical procedures of the inner ear.
Swimmer's ear, also known as otitis externa, is the infection of the outer ear canal. This condition is usually caused by water remaining in the ear, creating a moist environment for bacterial infection, common among swimmers.Some symptoms of swimmer's ear include:redness of ear canalear dischargeear canal blockagehearing difficultiespain in ear canalSwimmer's ear can usually be treated with cleaning and antibacterial topicals if detected early.
Malignant otitis externa is the infection or damage on the bones of the ear canal, caused by bacterial infection in the inner ear. This condition is common in diabetic patients and people with a weakened immune system.Some symptoms for malignant otitis externa include:ear dischargeinner ear painhearing lossinner ear itchingfeverdifficulty swallowingfacial muscles weaknessTreatments for malignant otitis externa focus on curing the infection and getting rid of the bacteria. You can consult a specialist doctor to diagnose your condition.
Eardrum fluid is usually a case of Glue Ear. Glue Ear, or Otitis Media with Effusion, is the build-up of fluid at the middle ear section, due to causes like a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory infection. This can lead to hearing difficulties or ear pressure discomfort.Some treatments done for Glue Ear are ventilation tubes, Grommet insertion (Tympanostomy tube), and ear microscopy for checking.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is the condition where a viral infection to the facial nerve near the ears cause a facial paralysis and hearing loss.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After we have recovered from chicken pox, the virus remains dormant (or asleep) in our bodies. Years later, this virus may reactivate can cause conditions like shingles or Ramsay Hunt Syndrome.The main symptoms of Ramsay Hunty Syndrome is facial paralysis and painful rash with fluid-filled blisters around the ear.Ramsay Hunt syndrome needs to be properly diagnosed for the right treatment, so do consult a specialist doctor to have your condition checked.
Perichondritis is an infection or inflammation of the connective tissue in our ear. This can be caused by an infection or a spread from an external inflammation. Treatments for this infection usually include antibiotics depending on how severe the infection is.
Are you having dizziness or vertigo? The main difference is that vertigo, other than just experiencing dizziness, gives you a feeling or illusion that either you feel as if you are moving even though you're not (subjective vertigo), or you feel that your surroundings are moving even though they're not (objective vertigo). Vertigo is usually caused by a problem in the ear, and can be tested and treated using several different procedures, including Canalith Repositioning Procedure (Epley Maneuver), Cawthorne-Cooksey (CC) Exercises, Dix-Hallpike Maneuver, Posterior Semicircular Canal Occlusion, Labyrinthectomy, Vestibular Rehabilitation, or Ear Microscopy.
Meniere Disease is an inner ear disorder that can lead to vertigo (dizziness), hearing loss, ear ringing (tinnitus), or ear pressure discomfort. Some treatments for Meniere Disease include Vestibular Nerve Section and Intratympanic Injection. You can get a diagnosis from the doctor to see if you require a treatment for Meniere Disease.
Ear infections can come in various forms, and the main sign that you may have an ear infection is if you feel pain in your ear. Ear infections can affect the outer ear, middle ear, or inner ear, with different conditions like ottitis media or otitis externa the culprits.The most important thing to do is to get your ear condition tested and diagnosed by a verified doctor, so that the suitable treatment can be carried out.Some common tests and treatments for ear infections are adenoidectomy, ventilation tubes, and ear microscopy.
Tinnitus is the condition where you constantly hear a ringing sound in your ear. This ringing sound can be in the form of ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking or hissing. It can also be a sign or symptom of some other underlying causes.Some tests and treatments for tinnitus include white noise machines, masking devices, tinnitus retraining, and clicking, humming, or ringing tests. You can get a test and diagnosis from the doctor to see what type of tinnitus and a suitable treatment for your condition.
Acoustic Neuroma is also known vestibular schwannoma. This is a non-cancerous slow-growing tumour that develops at the inner ear section. Acoustic neuroma can lead to difficulting balancing, hearing loss, ringing in the ear, or hearing difficulties.
Cholesteatoma is a non-cancerous skin growth that develops at the middle ear section, behind the eardrum.Cholesteatoma can be either a birth defect or caused by repeated middle ear infections. Treatments like cholesteatoma surgery, removal of mastoid (mastoidectomy) and atticotomy can be done to treat cholesteatoma.
Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection that affects the inner and middle ear, caused by infected or inflamed mastoid cells in our ear, or as a result of untreated middle ear infection (otitis media).In some cases, the mastoid in the ear needs to be removed, in which case a mastoid removal surgery (mastoidectomy) is done.
Otitis media is the infection and inflammation of the middle ear. This is a painful condition that can be acute or chronic, and causes redness, swelling, and a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum.Depending on the condition of the Otitis Media infection, treatments like Chronic Otitis Media Treatment, Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Treatment, Chronic Otitis Media Surgery, Ventilation Tubes, and Grommet Insertion may be done.You can get your ear tested and diagnosed by the doctor to know what treatmen to receive.
Glue Ear, or Otitis Media with Effusion, is the build-up of fluid at the middle ear section, due to causes like a cold, sore throat, or upper respiratory infection. This can lead to hearing difficulties or ear pressure discomfort.Some treatments done for Glue Ear are ventilation tubes, Grommet insertion (Tympanostomy tube), and ear microscopy for checking.
A ruptured eardrum means that there is a hole or tear on the thin tissue surrounding your eardrum. This can lead to hearing loss or middle ear infections and injuries. Several different factors can cause a ruptured eardrum, like middle ear infection, ear pressure, loud sounds or blasts, foreign objects in your ear, or head trauma and injuries.If your eardrum rupture is unable to recover on its own, a surgical treatment may be needed. This can be a myringoplasty, a myringotomy, or a tympanoplasty. You should get your eardrum condition checked by the specialist doctor to get an advice on the best choice of treatment.
When you feel pain on your ear, whether it is your outer ear, middle ear or inner ear, there may be chances of injuries or infection.Ear pain can also be acute (sudden) or chronic (long term). In either case, you should always get your ear condition checked and diagnosed by the doctor so that the problem can be identified and treated effectively rather than worsen.
A fungal ear infection, also known as otomycosis, happens when there is a blockage of the ear canal caused by the presence of fungi or bacterial infection. Though usually able to be cured by medication, some conditions can be linked to other infections and should be checked and diagnosed accurately by a specialist doctor.
Fluid discharged from the ear is usually ear wax. However, if you find abnormal ear discharge such as dry crusted discharge, or white, bloody, or yello discharge, this can be a sign of infection or rupture in the inner ear.Treatments for ear discharge depends on the root cause of the problem. Do get your condition diagnosed accurately by a specialist doctor to get the right treatment.
Impacted earwax happens when your earwax causes a blockage in your ear and affects your hearing. Trying to remove the earwax by yourself may be counter-productive because you may push the wax deeper or injure your inner ear.Medical treatments like earwax softener medicine or earwax removal done by a trained doctor can help you solve this problem.
Ear injuries or traumas can be caused by different factors like accidents, a ruptured eardrum, or any injuries to your inner ear caused by infections.As we can't access to our ear canal and inner ear, we usually can't treat our ear injuries or traumas without the help of a specialist doctor. Depending on the type of injury, the doctor will diagnose and administer the most effective treatment for the recovery of the injury.
Otosclerosis, also known as otospongiosis is an abnormal growth of bone near the middle ear which can result in hearing loss if left untreated. Hearing aids can help solve hearing problems but in some cases, a surgical procedure to remove the bone growth may be needed.
Facial nerve palsy, or facial nerve paralysis, is when part of your face, usually unilaterally, shows weakness. This can include muscle weakness, loss of taste, decreased salivation,and decreased tear secretion.Some of the common causes of facial nerve palsy are: infection or inflammation of the facial nerve, head trauma, head or neck tumour, or stroke. Facial nerve palcy can happen gradually, or suddenly, depending on the cause.
Labyrinthitis is an ear infection that causes the the inner structure of the ear, called the labyrinth, to become inflamed. This can cause a loss of hearing or balance.Some of the symptoms of labyrinthitis include:dizzinessloss of hearingheadacheringing in the earear dischargeear painblurry visionViral infection can cause labyrinthitis. If you suspect that you could have a labyrinthitis infection, get a consultation with a specialist doctor to make sure your condition gets diagnosed and treated accurately.
Croup is a common breathing problem in young children, usually during cold weathers. The main symptoms for croup are harsh, barking coughs while having breathing difficulties, due to the swelling and narrowing in the voice box, windpipe, and breathing tubes leading to the lungs.Croup can be treated with nose drops or medications, but it is important to have a specialist doctor diagnose the condition correctly before administering any medications.